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LoveBlade last won the day on February 4 2022

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  1. LoveBlade


    Add me on discord invulBox#2944
  2. LoveBlade


    What's your discord? I've sent to everybody that purchased
  3. No but you can create more than one menu, or use info item to split them up
  4. var MenuTab = new Tab("Tab Title") MenuManager.AddTab(MenuTab); var aMenuSetting = new Switch(); aMenuSetting.Title = "Enable Auto Q"; aMenuSetting.IsOn = true; MenuTab.AddItem(aMenuSetting) It'll be easier to have a class for menu tab and items, but can get the menu settings with MenuManager.GetTab("Tab Title").GetItem<Switch>("Enable Auto Q").IsOn
  5. LoveBlade


    Updated for V2, Added AutofillAIO which includes: Ahri Ekko Kindred Orianna Soraka Syndra XinZhao.
  6. LoveBlade


    V1.2 | Evade update + Champion logic + Way better mouse control for spell casting Small highlight using 1.2
  7. Mid or Feed Cassiopeia Q - In range / not basic attacking W - W if Q is down or target is too close E - If empowered or low HP R - If casting spell in direction / or is dashing Won't auto during empowered E if target is going to be out of range Pref target select for orbwalker: Low Health Have to adjust mouse settings in menu. Adjusted the mouse settings to work better with E casts more fluent. and removed input blocking so try not to move the mouse very fast or prediction will be off MOFCassiopeia.omod
  8. LoveBlade


    Thanks man, true planning to do twitch after caitlyn
  9. LoveBlade


    Fixed Kalista minion E damage + toggle "L" key, Also will E if can kill minion (for runaans usage). Kog ult now executes (any range) and Ults if out of range in combo. Caitlyn is WIP, will add it next update.
  10. LoveBlade


    I've DM'ed you on discord
  11. LoveBlade


    Champions supported: Kalista Vayne Kogmaw Jinx Samira Jhin Ezreal Ashe Tristana Caitlyn Twitch Ahri Ekko Kindred Orianna Soraka Syndra XinZhao Utilities: Auto cleanse Auto heal Item usage Evade Auto ignite Auto smite 1 Month: $5,65 USD Buy link: [REDACTED] Contact me via DM's for any specific questions or Discord: invulBox#2944
  12. LoveBlade


    Forgot about it, it's done
  13. Couple of classes for script developing. Also C# isn't my favorite language and was just for personal use so "It just works" status basically. Prediction not working currently. Collision.cs Prediction.cs TargetSelect.cs Spell.cs
  14. LoveBlade

    Kogmaw Sexual

    Have to update it, will upload tomorrow
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