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Creativity has entered the chat! SDK Is released

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Greetings to all the survivors of the deserted land. Welcome to OASYS.

We are eagerly excited to announce the release of the SDK.  SDK is a denoted term for a Software Development Kit, and in our case, it is the kit to develop modules(scripts as we call here in Oasys). 

With our specialized SDK and if you are a C# developer, you are able to create modules related to champions, minions, turrets, evade, utility and etc whatever you call it be.  If you are not a developer, it is perfectly fine! Since there is and will be modules for you to use without any technical knowledge and effort.  

Head over to our Github repository(https://github.com/Oasys-Zone/Oasys.SDK) and our documentation(https://oasys-zone.github.io/Oasys.SDK/to get started. If any issues, you are more than welcome to submit issues, and any feature requests or fix, you can submit a pull request via Github. 

For any general development questions and help, you can always open up a thread in the development section of the forum.

Should you require any help, our staff will be glad to assist you.

Enjoy your stay,  and as always; Adapt, Overcome and Dominate.
OASYS Staff Team

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