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Behold, the release is here!

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Greetings to all the survivors of the deserted land. Welcome to OASYS.
The long awaited game has just concluded, and we have a good news to be delivered.

With months and countless sleep-deprived nights of development and a lengthy internal and beta testing, we are excited to announce the full release of OASYS. 

If you haven't already, please read this post to inform yourself about OASYS.
To give some little description, OASYS is a platform for a fully external scripting service. Fully external? Yes, we take the advantage of the external memory reading(in short, RPM) with the best understanding of security equipped. Security will be guaranteed to the fullest extent and we have currently implemented such bypass vectors. Although the word bypass seems sceptical and/or somewhat little too overkill, it is done to maximise further security of the platform as a backup plan if things don't go too well. But don't worry, it won't ever happen in the time of our existence, BUT there's always an IF.

Our primary mission is to create a perfect external framework for community based content created League of Legends scripting.

With that aside, In order to gain access to OASYS, you will need to have a survivor subscription. To cover our development and in order for us to deliver our users fresh and quality product, we have set the price at $25 USD. To purchase one, on the top of the site, click "Subscriptions" link. Please also note that, the subscription is valid for 30 days and renews on demand.

The features of OASYS includes:

  • Range Circle Drawing
  • Evade Drawing
  • Fully Fledged Orbwalker (Orbwalking/Kiting, Target Selection, Minion Laneclear and Lasthit)
  • Cooldown Tracker
  • Recall Tracker
  • .... and many more awaits!

Soon, there will be another upcoming post detailing on how to install and use OASYS top to bottom extensively.  For now, if you join our Discord server community, our staffs will be glad to help on the installation and usage. Otherwise, you can also simply create a thread in the support section.


Enjoy your stay,  and as always; Adapt, Overcome and Dominate.

OASYS Staff Team

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