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Sikaka last won the day on January 27 2022

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  1. I finished building a new system today and cannot load Oasys due to loader id mismatch. I tried PMing zero on the forum but it says I'm allowed to send '0 messages a day'. I then tried to figure out what his name on discord was but it's not showing anywhere including offline members list. How should I be submitting my loader ID to get my subscription working again? It's a little frustrating that there's no instructions on the forum or discord on how to properly generate and submit a loader ID... The FAQ just says "generate a loader ID and send to a lead developer" with no reference to how to generate the code, who the lead developers are, or how to properly contact them.
  2. Sikaka

    Debug Brand

    Absolutely that's the plan! Right now I'm trying to work out any of the conversion issues or silly mistakes I made so I have a solid starting point. There's a LOT of differences in how Oasys reads game data where I think I'm dealing with one value but it represents something else. Once the little kinks are ironed out I'll open source the prediction library and start working on larger AIO projects. For my reference have you tested/have any thoughts on the existing prediction so far?
  3. Sikaka

    Debug Brand

    Hello all! I've been away from league scripting for quite some time until stumbling on Oasys. This is a Brand test script based on some old scripts I wrote for another platform. The goal was for me to get familiar with the SDK. In the past my scripts have focused on an 'assist' style of gameplay rather than a hardcore 'combo button to win' approach. This means auto casting skills outside combo when it sees a really good opportunity to use them as well as smartly timed combos. I would expect bugs and weirdness as I'm still learning the SDK but would love some feedback! Custom prediction library: Based on my work in other platforms I’ve converted or re written most of my core prediction code and initial tests seem solid. I’m sure there will be bugs though so I’m looking forward to tweaking and improving before diving into larger aio bundles. Smart Q: auto target high accuracy burning enemies or medium+ accuracy burning enemies when in combo. Will pre-cast Q on targets about to be hit by W for example Example of surprise Q (hits RIGHT after W lands) Simple W: auto on very high accuracy, medium+ in combo. Orders possible targets by multi target count. Killsteal still to be added Super simple E: auto when enemies come very close and auto use outside combo. Will be adding killsteal, passive detonation and burning e bounces later. Simple R: auto cast on burning and 3+ targets. Combo cast on 3+ or burning and 2+ Note that I haven’t added any config options, killsteal or any more advanced logic but the core functionality is there and works quite well. In the customs and a handful of pvp games k tested, accuracy was solid. Again, looking for feedback so don’t be shy. I’m hoping based on bug reports I can start into a proper AIOsuite in the near future. BuffTesting.omod
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