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About Roach_

  • Birthday September 7

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  1. Update - v2.0.0.0 The module has been updated in order to fix all of my past mistakes and it will probably be the last major update (at least until Oasys / Riot bangs something): Fixed Jinx (again) - Little untested edge case, if the baseult would've been casted at a distance lesser than 1350f from the fountain, it wouldn't have been detected correctly. Added Auto-Recall Feature - Enabled from the menu, will auto-recall after preventing a baseult, taking into consideration the user-decided time frame. Re-written the logic and structure of the entire module: After experimenting with Oasys for a while, I've decided to implement static values for the Spells and update them manually when needed, fixing Senna in the process. Little edge case fixed where baseults that where cast before recalling were not detected. Improved the stability and readability of the module.
  2. Update - v1.0.1.0 The module has been updated in order to fix most of my past mistakes and Jinx.. Mostly to fix Jinx: Fixed Jinx - You will no longer have the pleasure to be accompanied to base by a "Super Mega Death Rocket". Improved menu Forgot some dummy labels in my previous release which got removed. No longer indexing Individual Toggles by string, but by uint. Improved disposing system - Now it does what it should've been doing from the beginning and it does it well. Improved memory management - Not much, just removing every other champion/spell that's not participating in the game from the global spell dictionary or to be more precise, not adding them at all.
  3. Roach_

    S1mple BaseUlt

    Add at least an option that won't let you BaseUlt when you're in Combo, 'cause that would look quite weird (been there, done that).
  4. Introduction If there is actually no honor amongst thieves, that doesn't mean there shouldn't be any amongst "scripters".. right? Testing was impossible because of limitations imposed by Oasys, also because I have no friends. Anyways, this doesn't have damage checking incorporated, but who shoots random spells into the enemy base if he can't at least take a kill.. right? The whole thing will get better paralleling Oasys' progress (to be more precise, when Object Related Events will get available). Description It prevents you from being killed by something we call a "baseult" when finishing recalling by interrupting the process/moving. List of supported spells/champions: Ashe's R: Enchanted Crystal Arrow Draven's R: Whirling Death Ezreal's R: Trueshot Barrage Jinx's R: Super Mega Death Rocket! (I cannot test widely-enough in order to get the correct values related to the acceleration of her spell, so.. might work, might not, your luck will be a big factor) Senna's R: Dawning Shadow The Menu: Global Toggle: It does exactly what you think it does, it let's you enable/disable everything: enabled by default, of course. Auto-Recall Toggle: it let's you enable/disable the auto-recall function after preventing a baseult: enabled by default. After/Before Recall Time Frame (ms): A slider that let's you decide the aforementioned: limits: 0m-1000ms; default: 500ms; allowed frequency: 50ms. Individual Toggles: Auto-generated toggles for every relevant spell: enabled by default. Changelog v2.0.0.0 - 26/09/2021 | 07:00PM - Added "Recall after preventing BaseUlt" feature. - Fixed Jinx (again). - Re-written the logic and structure of the entire module. v1.0.1.0 - 28/08/2021 | 11:55PM - Fixed Jinx. - Improved the menu. - Improved the disposing system. - Improved memory management. v1.0.0.0 - 22/08/2021 | 03:10PM - Initial Release Download Anti-BaseUlt.omod
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