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EKQR Kotlin

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Everything posted by EKQR Kotlin

  1. What do you mean with the subscription has not expired? When the loader says its out of date, it only means that the client version isn't the same as the one specified in the loader. At this time this means it isnt updated for patch 14.2 yet. It can also mean its just an hotfix, in that case you can almost always still play with it.
  2. EKQR Kotlin


    Probier dich am besten selbst aus, es gibt nicht so viele Module. Kommt auch immer sehr auf deinen Playstyle an. Six hat mit abstand die meisten champs. Adc gehen in der regel immer gut.
  3. Then you will have to wait till Zero approves the payment. Which payment method did you use?
  4. I don't quite know what kind of email you mean tbh. Depending on the payment method the license will be activated on your Oasys account automatically or Zero has to check and confirm the payment. After that you can just log in with your forum user name and password and use it. If you already have it opened restart.
  5. Version


    SyncWave Revamped Fully rewritten script. Supports multiple damage drawings (Shows Q,W,E and R individually.) Champions (25/163) Ahri - Q, W, E and R usage Amumu - Q, W, E and R usage Annie - Q, W, E and R usage + R Puppet auto attack Blitz - Q, W, E and R usage Brand - Q, W and E usage Caitlyn - Q, E and R usage Cassiopeia - Q, W, E and somewhat clunky R usage Cho'Gath - Q, W, E and R usage Draven - Q, W, E and R usage (No axe catching, I dont like it) Dr Mundo - Q, W, E and R usage Ezreal - Q, W, E and R usage Irelia - Q, E and R usage (Q with Pathfinding for both combo and laneclear, E Pred mode is recommended, R with 1vs1 and multi target usage) Ivern - Q, W (untested!!!), E and R usage* Jinx - Q, W, E and R usage Kalista - Q, W and E usage Karthus - Q, W, E and R usage (Needs more testing imo) KogMaw - Q, W, E and R usage Lee Sin - Q(1), W, E and R usage (R is on can kill) Lux - Q, W, E and R usage Malphite - Q, W, E and R usage Morgana - Q, W, E (not evade) and R usage Orianna - Q, W, E and R usage Soraka - Q, W, E and R usage Twitch - Q, W and E usage (E has modes execute and execute with poison) Veigar - Q, W, E and R usage Vex - Q, W, E and R(1) usage * W should support Rengar when he has a target to place a bush beneath. Sadly cant check for visibility so might place a bush while in another one... Also should place a bush beneath you or other allies against Kalista to "block" her auto attacks. Utilities Activator - Activates Ignite,Smite,Heal,Shield and Cleanse + Pots ItemActivator - Uses certain items automatically CSHelper - Helps with CSing using Drawings MoveViewer - Shows the League Calculated Path of Enemies,Allies and Self + Move Position WardHelper - Can Automatically place wards on multiple places on the map WardPing - Auto Pings freshly placed wards ScripterDetector (BETA, WIP) - Shows if its likely that an ally/enemy might be scripting. Utilities To Do - Extending current Utilities (mostly Activator and CS Helper) (WIP) - Adding Better Auto Attack Damage Calculation with On Hit damage. (WIP) Repository (Should change .csproj for building) https://github.com/EKQRCalamity/SWRevamped


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