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Welcome to OASYS

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OASYS is a community where we aim to provide streamline service to top up the external scripting experience.
It offers a grand scale features from lag-free drawing, spell cooldown tracker, evade, orbwalker and much more.

The program is expanded and maintained by @Zero  and the development team.

You're able to develop your own script(or Module, as we formally refer) by using our full fledged Core and the Module Development Kit (MDK).
This is a very small scale and project in order for us deliver more rich content and service, we need your help to make it happen.
Donations are welcome(but not forced*) and If you are an intermediate or a someone who has a notable experience in .NET and C# development, please contact via PM.

Members are free to register and join the community. 
Should you require any help, our staff will be glad to assist you.

Enjoy your stay,  and as always; Adapt, Overcome and Dominate.

OASYS Staff Team

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