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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/03/21 in Files

  1. 4 points



    117 champ supported in total Top: Aatrox Akshan Camille Cassiopeia Chogath Darius DrMundo Fiora Gangplank Garen Gragas Graves Gwen Illaoi Irelia Jax Kayle Kennen Kled Olaf Quinn Renekton Rengar Riven Ryze Sett Sion Shen Sylas Teemo Tryndamere Urgot Vladimir Volibear Yasuo Yone Jungle: Amumu Diana Ekko Evelynn Gragas Graves Hecarim Karthus Kayn KhaZix Kindred Lee Sin Lillia Nocturne Olaf Rengar Taliyah Viego XinZhao Zac Zed Mid: Ahri Anivia Annie Akshan Cassiopeia Corki Diana Ekko Galio Gangplank Graves Fizz Irelia Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle LeBlanc Lulu Lux Lucian Malzahar Neeko Orianna Ryze Swain Sylas Syndra Taliyah Yasuo Yone Zed Ziggs Xerath Veigar Vex Twisted Fate Tristana Tryndamere Vladimir Bot/ADC: Ashe Aphelios Caitlyn Cassiopeia Draven Ezreal Jhin Jinx Kaisa Kalista Karthus Kogmaw Lucian MissFortune Nilah Samira Senna Sivir Zeri Ziggs Xayah Xerath Veigar Twitch Varus Vayne Tristana Support: Alistar Amumu Blitzcrank Brand Gragas Janna Karma Lulu Lux Leona Milio Morgana Nami Nautilus Pyke Rakan Rell Renata Seraphine Sett Sona Soraka Swain Thresh Yuumi Zilean Xerath Utilities: Chat Cooldown Alerter - disabled Anti Chat Anti AFK Auto Complimenter (team chat) Auto Tilter (all chat) Item: Auto gargoyle Auto galeforce Auto gore drinker Auto stride breaker Auto iron spike Auto everfrost Auto randuins Auto potions Summoner: Auto exhaust Auto cleanse / QSS items Auto heal Auto/Toggle smite


  2. 1 point

    Version 1.6.1


    An extremely simple AIO with minimal functionality but super efficient. Supported Champions: - Elise - Nidalee


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