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Kurisu last won the day on November 12 2022

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6 N00bie

About Kurisu

  • Birthday March 19

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  1. Kurisu

    Any recent banwaves?

    I'd say 0.0001% xD Just never use such software on a main account unless you're willing to take that low percent risk.
  2. Version 1.6.1


    An extremely simple AIO with minimal functionality but super efficient. Supported Champions: - Elise - Nidalee


  3. Version 1.7.0


    Simple module for auto Potions and QSS items and Spells. - Consumable Items: auto Potions and Elixirs - Defensive Items Included: auto Zhonyas, Stopwatch, Locket, Seraphs, Redemption, Stoneplate, Battlesong - Ofensive Items Included: auto Ironspike, Stridebreaker, Goredrinker, Prowlers, Everfrost, Botrk, RocketBelt, Ranuins, - Summoner Spells Supported: auto Heal, Barrier, Cleanse, Ignite, Exhaust, Smite - Cleanse Items Included: auto QSS and the rest. - Auto Spells Supported: Shields Orianna, Diana, Janna, Garen, Lulu, Lux, Annie, Nautilus, and more. R on Low HP Zilean, Kindred, Aatroxx?, Lulu, Tryndamere, Soraka and more. Heals Kayle, Nami, Seraphine, Sona, and more. Evadelike MasterYi, Zed, Sivir, Morg, etc. Feel free to check the source: https://github.com/aliniti/Oasys-Trinity


  4. Updated for 12.8 - Ignite not supported yet. - Changelog notes in the above post should be fixed.
  5. Trinity v.1.2 (check your version in loader) - Implemented a basic health prediction work around for enemy spell detecting (for now?). - Fixed bugs with item/spell class (is ready) - Added auto shield spells. - Added auto heal spells. - Added auto anti lethal (cant kill me) spells. - Added Stopwatch, Hourglass, Locket, Redemption, Seraphs
  6. Updated with bug fixes. Auto spells are partially supported since no health prediction yet.
  7. Simple module for auto potions and QSS items. Will add other items in future updates but this is just a quick test. I want to in the future add a lot more items and possible auto spells/auto shield, etc. Feel free to check the source: https://github.com/aliniti/Oasys https://oasys.zone/index.php?/files/file/69-trinity-activator/
  8. Can we create submenus ?
  9. Thanks m8. Have an example for the menu?
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