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Everything posted by ouijaaa

  1. Version 1.0.2


    Developer Tool This Tool can show you a lot of info that you may or may not need while creating a Module for Oasys. Important Note, PLEASE READ: You cannot have Champion Info, Near Enemy Info and Native Objects Info (when Draw Pos is on MyHero) active at the same time, all of them user your position and have no formatting regarding that, please use each features on it's own. However, Target Info displays info on the Selected Target, which does not overlap the text drawings (unless you walk into them) Features: Champion Info Show General Info - Model, SkinName, Health, Mana, BoundingRadius, IsAlive, IsVisible, AttackRange, TeamFlag, IsMelee Show QWER Info (can select each spell to show) - IsSpellReady, Charges, Cooldown, IsActivated, IsToggled, Level, MissileName, SpellName Show Buffs (shows active buffs) - format: Name, Stacks, DurationMS Check Specific Buffs - type a buff into the textbox, and if it exists on your champion it will show you Target Info Show General Info - Model, SkinName, Health, Mana, BoundingRadius, IsAlive, IsVisible, AttackRange, TeamFlag, IsMelee Show Buffs (shows active buffs on the enemy) - format: Name, Stacks, DurationMS Check Specific Buffs - type a buff into the textbox, and if it exists on your selected enemy it will show you Near Enemy Info Show near me targets (with search radius) - Model, SkinName, Health, Mana, IsAlive, IsVisible, AttackRange Show near me specific targets - this is based on your textbox input, checks for Name, ModelName and SkinName (also a regex option) Native Object Show objects near you (with search radius) - Name, ModelName, SkinName, Health, Mana, IsAlive, IsVisible, IsTargetable Show specific native objects based on textbox input (with regex) - checks if it's in Name, ModelName and SkinName Draw Pos to select from, either on the objects or on yourself (a bit messy due to how the spacings are done, i recommend MyHero) You can also Log every Specific Object in the Console. Have fun coding.


  2. Version 1.0.2


    Auto Ignite It's going to simpy ignite whatever target will take the full Ignite damage depending on your level - target's health regeneration over the ignite time is also calculated. You got these options: - use it Always - use it in Combo mode and: only cast when a target is almost outside of the Ignite range, the range for Ignite is 600, this goes for a range that is higher or 520 and then cast it in that radius. ^ turned off by default. (this is made so it's not wasting Ignite that you can still kill, useful for Melee champions i guess)


  3. ouijaaa


    Version 1.2.0


    Tired of getting afk kicked? just load this plugin, and it will prevent you from getting afk kicked. (potentially as the movement is randomized) Important your game client has to be focused for it to move your champion. if your chatbox is open, it will not move. I recommend the standard value of 40 seconds, so it clicks 2 times within the 90 seconds "restart game due to afk" timer, after 60 seconds you get a afk message.


  4. Gotta install .Net 5, 6 and 7, the loader installer is bugged.
  5. the training tool doesn't even have an anticheat running, you can't possibly get banned in the training tool. Can only guess you're hwid banned. Been playing since 4 days now, no ban for me.
  6. ouijaaa

    Any recent banwaves?

    Personal preference i guess, but for 15€ / month can't complain. Has everything you need. remember that you are free to try oasys, 2 free games (ranked/normal) a day and unlimited games in practice tool.
  7. ouijaaa

    Any recent banwaves?

    Short answer: 0% last banwave was like a year ago or even longer, can't remember. Still not recommended to play on your main account as you never know what happens.
  8. ouijaaa

    [Troll] Spinbot

    Did you always want to spin while you attack your enemies? you've got the chance now! You can either Press Spacebar and "Hotkey" to spin while you attack your enemy, or press "Just Spin always" to spin on the spot. The Delay only goes down to 10, as there is a risk that you can bug out the league client. Tested with 2.5 atk speed kogmaw it will take about 200DPS. fixed with V1.0.1 already Have fun. Suggestion by: shera#2917, blame him for this. Changelog: V1.0.0 - initial V1.0.1 - changed the way it spins, now almost 0 DPS losses V1.0.2 - tries to make a full circle now, Delay of 18 recommended. Spinbot.omod
  9. Version


    34 Champions Supported Support: Blitzcrank Zilean Bard Jungle: Belveth Master Yi Shyvana Nunu Udyr Hecarim Skarner Fiddlesticks Warwick Fighter: Jayce Ornn Pantheon Mordekaiser Talon Gnar Malphite Nasus Rumble Yone Yorick Marksman: Samira Caitlyn Smolder Mage: Viktor Vladimir Neeko Zyra Lissandra Zoe Heimerdinger Aurelion Sol Velkoz (Q splitting is not good)


  10. ouijaaa

    CD not showed up

    Make sure you installed all of these https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-5.0.13-windows-x64-installer https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=35 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.3-windows-x64-installer
  11. I've scraped all champions, everything is in the .json below there are small mistakes within the .json but i'm fixing them manually as it affects only few champions i've added a chargeable bool with min/max spellranges for spells like Xerath Q it's still early for this .json but it's very usable What i've changed: if the spell range is a global range it's now set to 30.000 Something to note: spells for Aphelios are kind of broken (W & E) some ranges are displayed weirdly like Warwick's R which currently is "250%currentMovementSpeed" some ranges dont even exist, instead they are written as "areofeffect", that's how the website writes it as. Here's the .json code public class SpellData { public string champName { get; set; } public List<SpellDetails> spelldetails { get; set; } } public class SpellDetails { public string slot { get; set; } public string cost { get; set; } public string cooldown { get; set; } public string range { get; set; } public string minRange { get; set; } public string maxRange { get; set; } public bool chargeable { get; set; } public string areaofeffect { get; set; } } Edit: i fixed all ranges, if a range is not present then use either areaofeffect or the SDK range as it can be a simple Active buff without range for Nidalee/Kled etc where they can transform i used their max range transformation so Nidalee ranges are her Human ranges, Kled Mini version etc... spellDB.json
  12. Hello there, i'm presenting this scraper that gets updated data from lol.fandom.com/wiki/(championName) It's working with HtmlAgilityPack so make sure to add that to your project if you want to use this. For now it grabs the Spell Slot named as for ex. [Q] and gets the Cost/Cooldown/Area of Effect/Range for it if that spell for ex. doesn't have any Range then it won't display any Range for it. Here's the Class code: public class SpellGrab { private string champData; private string basedOnChannelRange; public void DownloadDataForChamp(string championName) { Console.WriteLine("Champion: "+championName); string link = "https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/" + championName; champData = new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString(link); var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(champData); var div = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table//tbody//tr//td"); foreach (var childNode in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//abbr") ?? Enumerable.Empty<HtmlNode>()) { HtmlNode hNewMode = doc.CreateTextNode(childNode.ChildNodes[0].InnerHtml); childNode.ChildNodes[0].InnerHtml = childNode.ChildNodes[0].InnerText; if (childNode.OuterHtml.Contains("based on channel") && !childNode.InnerHtml.Contains("%")) { basedOnChannelRange = " "+childNode.ChildNodes[0].InnerHtml; } } if (div != null) { string currentSpell = ""; List<string> spellList = new List<string>(); foreach (var item in div) { if (item.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { var text = item.ChildNodes[0].InnerText; if (text.StartsWith("[Passive]")) { currentSpell = "[Passive]"; } else if (text.StartsWith("[Q]")) { currentSpell = "[Q]"; } else if (text.StartsWith("[W]")) { currentSpell = "[W]"; } else if (text.StartsWith("[E]")) { currentSpell = "[E]"; } else if (text.StartsWith("[R]")) { currentSpell = "[R]"; } } //qwer etc if (item.ChildNodes.Count > 1) { //Console.WriteLine(currentSpell); var text = item.ChildNodes[0].InnerText; //Console.WriteLine(currentSpell); if (text.StartsWith("Cost")) { spellList.Add(currentSpell + text + item.ChildNodes[0].NextSibling.InnerText); } if (text.StartsWith("Cooldown")) { spellList.Add(currentSpell + text + item.ChildNodes[0].NextSibling.InnerText); } if (text.StartsWith("Area of Effect")) { spellList.Add(currentSpell + text + item.ChildNodes[0].NextSibling.InnerText); } if (!item.InnerHtml.Contains("based on channel")) { if (text.StartsWith("Range")) { spellList.Add(currentSpell + text + item.ChildNodes[0].NextSibling.InnerText); } } else if (item.InnerHtml.Contains("based on channel") && !text.StartsWith("First Cast")) { spellList.Add(currentSpell + text + basedOnChannelRange); } } } spellList = spellList.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var text in spellList) { Console.WriteLine(text); } } Console.ReadLine(); //Console.WriteLine(range); } } How to use it? SpellGrab grabData = new SpellGrab(); grabData.DownloadDataForChamp("Varus"); It will print out every data into the Console like this: Champion: Varus [Q]Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 Mana [Q]Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s [Q]Range: 925 - 1625 [W]Cost: No Cost [W]Cooldown: 40s [E]Cost: 80 Mana [E]Cooldown: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10s [E]Range: 925 [E]Area of Effect: 300 [R]Cost: 100 Mana [R]Cooldown: 100 / 80 / 60s [R]Range: 1200 Notice: Range (and others) may also contain stuff like 900 / 1100 / 1300 (based on R level for example) depending on your champion. What i want to add next: Filter everything out into a Class made specifically for this and then you should be able to simply call SpellQ.Cooldown If you have any improvements / suggestions then please tell me.
  13. There is no auto combo on default that's correct, modules do have prediction / combo just check the description of the module you're looking for.
  14. ouijaaa

    System Error

    I think you just have a bad version of the loader, try redownloading.
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